The Roots of Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyles: A Convenient List

This collection of resources is a place to get started or dig deeper into the subject of whole food plant based nutrition.  The information and research can be challenging to find through the overwhelming clutter of popular diet-of-the-month websites and an industry that has financial interest in keeping our health status quo.  

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I’m All About Plants! Whole Food Plant Based Fans Welcome Here

Vegetable Starts in Rows

What Is A Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle?

In a nutshell, a Whole Food Plant Based diet is based on foods that are… well, plants.  If it grows from the earth and has leaves instead of legs, it’s what’s on our plate. 

There is now overwhelming evidence that the superior diet for human health and the diet of the future should be packed with plants. Backed by decades of scientific research studies, the evidence shows that incidence of chronic disease can be lowered by eating vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains almost exclusively. In fact, a minimally processed, whole food plant based diet is the only one proven to reverse heart disease.* And, better yet, this diet is not just protection from our major chronic diseases that rob lives, it improves quality of life by increasing energy and lowering depression and anxiety.

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PlantBasedJan is a compilation of information from published studies, opinion from medical doctors who have published their work, links to resources I have personally found helpful, statistics, recipes and some instruction in preparing recipes.  Wherever applicable, links to the source content is provided.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, outbound links can be removed or changed by 3rd parties.  We are not be responsible for such modifications but will provide correction upon notice.  You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable for the availability, accuracy, content, or policies of outbound links to third party websites or resources. Links to such websites or resources do not imply any endorsement by or affiliation with PlantBasedJan.  You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any such websites or resources.

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While we show ingredients used, we cannot guarantee that any ingredient you may choose is free from any allergen trigger. You are reliant on the representations and warranties made by the manufacturer.  You are responsible for safe handling and preparation of ingredients. 

PlantBasedJan may at times offer nutrition information in foods or recipes such as calories or other nutrients. This information is provided as a courtesy and may be estimated with online nutritional calculators or other sources such as USDA.   To obtain an accurate representation of Nutritional Information in a given recipe or post, you should use your own source.

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