Simplifying Life – Embracing the Joys of Whole Foods

Many of us are seeking a time out from a processed and complicated world. What if we simply start with the food we eat? In a world often dominated by complex culinary trends and elaborate recipes, there is a refreshing joy in embracing the simplicity of whole food plant-based cooking. This approach to nourishment not only promotes health but also celebrates natural ingredients.

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What if you’re asked if one should cut back on “carbs” to lose weight? What’s the best answer?

Anthony Vita is an Author, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and Health Coach. He’s also a success story after having dramatically improved his health through a whole food plant based diet. In the process he dropped 50 pounds. He answers the “carbs” question here. You can find him @

First of all, what are “carbs”? I’ve never seen a “carb” section at the supermarket. Why do we refer to foods like this?

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A Healthy Idea To Fight Inflation – Plate Up More Whole Food Plant Based Dishes

If you pay attention to other customers at the gas pump, you’ll likely see head shaking, eye widening and hand wringing. Yes, inflation in many of our daily expenditure categories is pinching our pocketbooks. We all know that a hard pinch hurts.

One category that may save you in more ways than one is what you put in your grocery cart and on your plate. It’s an action item that is 100% controllable by you – immediately.  No government policy to wade through, no political posturing and no stress.  

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Overwhelming Evidence that Plant Based Diets Versus Omnivore Diets are Superior for Health Improvement

Need proof that a plant based diet is superior for human health? The following list is a small sampling of current scientific evidence and research studies. The quotes summarize the baseline or overall conclusion. Links are directly under the conclusive study quote.

Last updated 1/19/2021

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The rise of misleading diet headlines: A simple guide to avoid being scammed by the confusion profiteers.

There’s a science behind how we think and what influences us.  Or, who influences us. 

It’s called Psychology.

Humans are social creatures.  Whether we’re an extrovert and want to get in the middle of the group, or an introvert and prefer to observe, we seek interaction with others.  Approval is a bonus.

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The Roots of Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyles: A Convenient List

This collection of resources is a place to get started or dig deeper into the subject of whole food plant based nutrition.  The information and research can be challenging to find through the overwhelming clutter of popular diet-of-the-month websites and an industry that has financial interest in keeping our health status quo.  

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