Need proof that a plant based diet is superior for human health? The following list is a small sampling of current scientific evidence and research studies. The quotes summarize the baseline or overall conclusion. Links are directly under the conclusive study quote.
Last updated 1/19/2021
Cardiovascular Conditions (Heart Disease, Blood Pressure)
A vegan diet resulted in a significant 32% lower high-sensitivity C-reactive protein when compared with the American Heart Association diet.
Research Link: Anti-Inflammatory Effects of a Vegan Diet Versus the American Heart Association-Recommended Diet in Coronary Artery Disease Trial
Cardiovascular risk reduction is optimized by a high-carbohydrate, low-GI diet.
Consumption of vegetarian diets is associated with lower Blood Pressure. Such diets could be a useful nonpharmacologic means for reducing blood pressure.
Research Link: Vegetarian diets and blood pressure: a meta-analysis
After 4 weeks, participants eating the plant-based diet, rich in nutrients and phytochemicals, reduced their total and LDL cholesterol significantly more than the participants consuming a standard low-fat diet.
Study: Effects of a Plant-Based Diet on Plasma Lipids
…serum total cholesterol and apolipoprotein B concentrations were lower in vegans compared with meat-eaters, fish-eaters and vegetarians.
The reduction in intramuscular fat tended to be greater in response to a vegetarian diet.
Both a low-fat vegan diet and a diet based on ADA guidelines improved glycemic and lipid control in type 2 diabetic patients. These improvements were greater with a low-fat vegan diet.
Beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity were significantly improved through a low-fat plant-based diet in overweight adults.
Obesity / Weight Loss
Vegan diets may result in greater weight loss than more modest recommendations.
A plant-based diet appears to be beneficial for human health by promoting the development of more diverse and stable microbial systems. Additionally, vegans and vegetarians have significantly higher counts of certain Bacteroidetes-related operational taxonomic units compared to omnivores.
Mental Health
A dietary intervention (plant-based nutrition) program improves depression, anxiety, and productivity in a multicenter, corporate setting.
Eating more fruits and veggies may help prevent a third of cancer cases. Here’s what we know.
Vegan diet seems to confer lower risk for overall and female-specific cancer than other dietary patterns.
Study Link: Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population
Those who followed a vegan diet experienced a 35 percent lower prostate cancer risk than those following a nonvegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, or semi-vegetarian diet.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Patients with moderate-to-severe RA, who switch to a very low-fat, vegan diet can experience significant reductions in RA symptoms.