Ditch Dairy For Good – Good for Health and the Planet

Did you know that an estimated 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant?* While mammals drink their mother’s milk, humans are the only mammals to switch species and consume it as adults. Food for thought?

An inability to digest lactose is one just one issue. Dairy has been linked to increased risks for prostate cancer according to a 2015 meta analysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.** With chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease on the rise, it’s also wise to consider the American Heart Association’s recommendation to reduce saturated fats.*** What’s the leading source of saturated fat in the United States? You guessed it. Cheese. And dairy products.****

It’s a topic worth researching if you’re concerned about dairy. To maintain lactation, a dairy cow is bred over and over. If you’ve ever spent time with a pregnant woman (human), you may have encountered the effects of high hormones. Dairy cows also have escalated levels of hormones during pregnancy including oestrone and progesterone. All of which are in our dairy products. These hormones are necessary to produce a healthy calf after nine months. The most common practice is to separate the calf quickly from the mother after birth. Female calves can then be utilized for dairy with artificial insemination beginning at an average of 13 months old. Male dairy calves are used for veal and processed (slaughtered) between 16 – 18 weeks of age.

If you are rethinking dairy, it’s a great time. Plant based milks saw a 14.2% growth rate between 2017- 2019. Plant based yogurt was up 95% in the same time period. And, plant based cheese was up 50.8%.

If you’re cutting down or ditching dairy, you’re not alone.

For those handy in the kitchen, it’s easier than ever to make your own plant based milk and cheeses and sour creams. Take a peek at my recipes (or other plant based recipe blogs) for some easy ideas.





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