A Healthy Idea To Fight Inflation – Plate Up More Whole Food Plant Based Dishes

If you pay attention to other customers at the gas pump, you’ll likely see head shaking, eye widening and hand wringing. Yes, inflation in many of our daily expenditure categories is pinching our pocketbooks. We all know that a hard pinch hurts.

One category that may save you in more ways than one is what you put in your grocery cart and on your plate. It’s an action item that is 100% controllable by you – immediately.  No government policy to wade through, no political posturing and no stress.  

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Plant Based Eating Through the Big Island of Hawaii

Hawaii, known for it’s Kings and Queens, easily makes a vegan feel like royalty. Finding colorful meals and snacks on trees and tables around nearly every corner earns Hawaii it’s proper place on the planet for enlightened eaters.

From wild, fruit laden trees to homestead stands offering hand lettered signs to sell papayas, tomatoes and buttery avocados for a buck to Farmer’s Markets, it’s an exciting road trip. It seems that all one really needs in life to survive well in paradise is a cutting board and sharp knife in backseat. And, maybe, a tub of great dressing or dip for good measure?

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The Most Common Protein Questions – Top Plant Protein FAQs You Need to Know

Thinking of going whole food plant based? We've got your protein questions answered here in this video.

Where do you get your protein? If you’re eating whole food plant based or vegan, this is a question people are genuinely concerned about. The fact is, plant foods have adequate amounts of protein for human needs. Did you know that corn, beans, potatoes, and broccoli all have protein for example?

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Overwhelming Evidence that Plant Based Diets Versus Omnivore Diets are Superior for Health Improvement

Need proof that a plant based diet is superior for human health? The following list is a small sampling of current scientific evidence and research studies. The quotes summarize the baseline or overall conclusion. Links are directly under the conclusive study quote.

Last updated 1/19/2021

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The rise of misleading diet headlines: A simple guide to avoid being scammed by the confusion profiteers.

There’s a science behind how we think and what influences us.  Or, who influences us. 

It’s called Psychology.

Humans are social creatures.  Whether we’re an extrovert and want to get in the middle of the group, or an introvert and prefer to observe, we seek interaction with others.  Approval is a bonus.

Continue reading “The rise of misleading diet headlines: A simple guide to avoid being scammed by the confusion profiteers.”

Plant Based Diet for Beginners? Join our WFPB community and get yourself healthy.

Happy New Year! 2020 is put to bed and it’s time to look back at what we’ve learned and figure out the best way forward. Maybe it’s time to free yourself from that yearly diet resolution and go with a lifestyle revolution that is scientifically proven to improve your health.

The three motivators for going whole food plant based, are: Health, Environment and Animal Welfare. With WFPB (or healthy vegan) diets, you solve all three. And, pandemics? Animal agriculture crowds our earth and demands more of the earth’s resources than plant proteins. A crowded earth and animals is a recipe for zoonotic transfers of bacteria and viruses.

It’s one step at a time and we can all start with inspiring ourselves first, then others.